2,000 More People Stopped and Searched in 2013/14

The PSNI have released stop and search statistics for the financial year from April 2013 to March 2014 [1]. Stop and search has been coming under more scrutiny throughout the United Kingdom. However in Northern Ireland, during 2013/14 over 2,000 more people were stopped and searched than in the previous year [2].

32,590 people were stopped and searched during the year, which was an increase of 2,088, or 7%, on the previous year. From these incidents, 2,199 people were subsequently arrested. This is an arrest rate of under 7% which is below the average for the UK, which is around 9-10% [3, 4]. It is however higher than previously reported arrest rates arising from PSNI stop and searches [5, 6]

Drugs searches still drive the majority of stop searches. 17,000 people were stopped and searched under the Misuse of Drugs Act which is over half (52%) of all stop and search incidents in 2013/14. This was a 6% rise from the previous year. The majority of drug searches are for minor possession offences which tend to be of little concern to the general public [6]. The number of searches for drugs dwarfed the figure for the next common reason i.e. searches for stolen property, at just over 4,000.

One other thing that can be seen in the statistics is that well over 5,000 children were stopped and searched in the twelve month period. Approximately 1 in 6 stop searches were on people aged 17 or below.

Although stop and search has come under much scrutiny recently, the use of these powers has risen in Northern Ireland over the last year and searches for drugs has becoming an increasing driver behind stop and search. There is also the concern that almost a fifth of all stop and searches are conducted on youths/children.


Further Reading:

  1. Stop and Search Statistics http://www.psni.police.uk/updates_stop_and_search_statistics
  2. Police Service of Northern Ireland: Stop and Search Statistics http://www.psni.police.uk/2013-14_fy_stop_and_search_report__internet_.pdf
  3. Police stop and search powers to be overhauled http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27224887
  4. Stop and search: on the streets with the police
  5. Policing Board – Stop and Search Review
  6. PSNI – Stop and Search Analysis https://nicrimejustice.wordpress.com/2013/09/05/psni-stop-and-search/

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