Reduced Offending in Partnership

In an attempt to reduce levels of crime, prolific criminals are to work with the police and other agencies such as the Prison Service, Probation Board and Youth Justice under an initiative known as Reduced Offending in Partnership.

According to the police, 80% of crimes such as burglary, robbery and theft are committed by prolific criminals. Therefore, such offenders will be targeted, with agencies being brought together to try and reduce re-offending from these individuals [1].

Justice Minister David Ford announced the partnerships earlier this year as part of the Strategies Framework for Reducing Offending [2]. The partnership has three strands:-

  • Prevent and Deter – early identification and intervention to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Catch and Control – close monitoring of those offenders who continue to reoffend
  • Rehabilitate and Resettle – joint approach providing support and assistance to provide a way out of crime.

A pilot scheme lasting 2 years in Ballymena and Coleraine indicated reductions in criminal behaviour in 68% of priority offenders involved in the scheme [3].


  1. PSNI teams up with offenders to reduce crime
  2. Strategic Framework for Reducing Offending Towards a Safer Society 2013
  3. Justice Minister David Ford has announced that partnerships designed to reduce offending will now operate in all police districts

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